Affliate Faculty

Profile Dr. Joan Lachance is an Associate Professor of Education and serves as the Program Director of the undergraduate and graduate Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL) programs at UNC Charlotte. She teaches graduate and undergraduate courses focused on Second Language Acquisition and Authentic Assessment with English Learners. She also works closely with teacher […]

Dr. Byron P. White is Associate Provost for Urban Research and Community Engagement at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. He oversees urbanCORE (Community-Oriented Research and Engagement), a new office that is part of the UNC Charlotte engaged scholarship ecosystem. The Office is charged with mobilizing, assessing and advancing efforts that connect the University’s […]

My research and teaching focus on supporting pre-service and in-service teachers’ design and implementation of learner-centered tasks. My work explores how teacher education and professional development programs can most effectively support teachers’ efforts to integrate technology and learner-centered tasks into their classrooms.