Program Objectives
The major educational objectives of the program are to develop educational leaders who have advanced knowledge and skills by:
1. Encouraging participants in the program to self-direct their personal and professional growth as educators by:
- Taking responsibility for their own learning;
- Initiating professional inquiry through conversations with colleagues;
- Critically reading professional literature;
- Participating in personal and professional development opportunities; and
- Setting high expectations for their professional performance.
2. Guiding participants to promote in P-20 students and education professionals the skills to respond effectively to student differences by:
- Developing an advanced understanding of human development;
- Expecting and respecting diversity among individuals in educational settings;
- Promoting understanding and respect for all members of the educational community;
- Helping students, stakeholders, and colleagues develop a global perspective; and
- Applying their knowledge at all levels of interaction with students by creating educational environments where all individuals feel welcome as leaders and successful learners.
3. Improving educational practice through self-refection, self-evaluation, and applied research by:
- Engaging in study that leads to continuous improvement of educational leadership;
- Actively investigating and solving educational problems through data gathering and assessment;
- Continuously monitoring the learning problems and successes of each learner; and
- Making appropriate adjustments in practice based on analysis of data.
4. Serving as educational leaders by:
- Actively participating as leaders in areas in which they can contribute to solving educational problems: schools, school districts, community colleges, universities, and affiliated organizations;
- Taking responsibility for sharing in decision-making relative to institutional issues;
- Readily asking for and sharing successful instructional approaches and solutions with colleagues, supervisors, and educational leaders; and
- Providing mentoring for students and colleagues.